Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Bucket List: Top 10 Places to See Before I Die

This is probably one of the hardest posts that I will ever have to write.  Out of approximately 300,000 cities, 180,497 islands, and 196 countries, I have to pick my top 10?!?  I wish I could've made this like, top 50 or something?? But, that would take way too much time that I don't have.  Anyways, through my travels I have realized that the best experiences when traveling are the ones that are unplanned.  I wouldn't have ended up hiking Volcán Pacaya in Guatemala if it weren't for the spontaneity of the moment.  However, I still love making lists like these - they help me visualize where I want to go in the future.

10. The Maldives
I've been dreaming of going to the Maldives for the absolute longest time.  I would do just about anything for one stress-free day in a hut over the beautiful, crystal waters. Oh, and who can forget the absolutely stunning Sea of Stars which is located there?
Sea of Stars, Vaadhoo Island, the Maldives

9. Greece
Ever since I watched The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants when I was 9, I longed to visit Greece, particularly Santorini.  If you aren't familiar with the film, one of the girls in the movie goes to visit her family in Greece for the summer.  Anyway, I hope I one day get to visit Greece's mainland, and hopefully a few of its isalnds.

8.  Morocco
Filled with palaces, mosques, and artisan workshops, going to Morocco seems like a completely spectacular trip into history. Walking down the open markets and diving into the culture seems like a great way to enjoy time.

7. Thailand
My uncle went on a vacation to Thailand a few years back with his wife, and they loved it.  My uncle, being a professional photographer, brought back many pictures from his stay and I fell in love. It looks like absolute bliss. Oh, and from what I hear, the food is bomb, which is just another bonus.
A small boat sails away in Thailand

6. Brazil
Ok, so this may sound really, really, stupid, but it's the truth.  You know that movie about that blue bird, Rio, which just so happens to take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil?  Well, that movie - an animated film about birds - sparked my interest to visit Brazil.  I would love going during Carnaval, because it just seems like such a blast.

5. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
I remember seeing this city featured on the CBS TV show The Amazing Race, and my initial reaction was that the thin, no-space-between-them buildings were the coolest thing ever.  I looked up some information about Amsterdam, and my lust for it grew.  A couple years later, once the hit book, The Fault in Our Stars  was released, I read and realized that part of the story takes place in Amsterdam.  Of course, this sealed the deal for me in being one of the places I would love to go before I die.

4. Argentina
The second South American country on my bucket list was of not much interest to me until my mom brought it up in a conversation one day. She started telling me about how much she wanted to visit there one day, and through her talking it caught my attention.  I then learned that Patagonia is located there, shared with Chile, and now I really would love to go.

3. Norway
Heritage, heritage, heritage.  For some reason, when you learn that you have ethnicity from some other country, you instantly are more set on visiting.  And since I am part Norwegian, visiting Norway is a must.  One day, I will be watching the Northern Lights in northern Norway.
The Northern Lights

2. Italy
I have no consanguineous relationship to anyone Italian, or anything Italian for that matter.  All I have is my desire to go there.  I would love to visit Rome, and check out the phenomenal Colosseum, and then go to Venice, and ride a gondola (do they even do that, or is that just for movies?  I wouldn't know).

1. India
I think that visiting India would be a huge eye-opener for me. The jam-packed streets with cars and tuk-tuks honking at eachother, and then the incredible contrast when you look at the calm and peaceful environment of the 5-star resorts.
Also, taking part in the Holi Festival, also known as the Indian Color Festival, seems like the experience of a lifetime.  Oh, and who could forget the Taj Mahal.

My ultimate goal in making this list was to let people know where I would like to visit in the world, and to inspire people like you, reading this, to maybe dream of visiting a place like no other, for whatever reason you would like.

Thanks for reading,



Being Comfortable on the Plane

You wake up, sleepy-eyed. Your hair is a mess, your teeth feel gross from the lack of brushing, and the person next to you is snoring like crazy.  You check the time, and then the realization kicks in - you still have more than half of the flight left.

All travelers have been there before.  It's not fun - at all.  But, I am here to help!  I'm here to tell you the tricks of the trade so that you never have to experience this.


  • Before you depart, I seriously recommend reviewing your outfit choice. My personal preferences include leggings with a warm, loose sweater. As for shoes, choose something comfortable.
  • Give yourself time to gather some snacks.  Airplane food is the absolute worst, so come prepared. I advise going for something that takes awhile to eat, that will keep you full for at least a few hours, and isn't dripping with sauces that you know for a fact will spill everywhere. A nice, hearty sandwich is my go-to.
  • Aside from a nice sandwich, pack a couple non-perishable snacks. Think something like freeze-dried apples, or trail mix.
    Freeze-dried apples
  • Make sure you have a refillable water bottle on hand.
  • Have a book on hand.  Especially on long flights, an entertaining read can keep you busy for a couple of hours.
  • Have your iPod or iPhone ready. Listening to some music while relaxing is a good way to spend some time. 
  • If your flight has movies playing, look at what is showing. Most airlines show new movies, which is another way to kill a couple of hours.
  • When it's time for a nap, pull out a neck rest. They keep your neck in place when sleeping, and you can avoid the awkwardness of falling asleep on your neighbor.
  • Have your toothbrush ready. For some reason, my teeth always feel like they get dirtier faster on the plane (is that just me?). Having a toothbrush and a travel sized toothpaste is key for a fresh breath.
  • Socks are your new best friend. I can almost guarantee you will get cold at one point during your flight.  Socks will keep you warm and comfortable.  My favorite kind are the ones with the little gel/sticky/circle thingys that keep you from slipping and sliding around. These are great for those moments when there is a lot of turbulence on the plane but you need to go to the bathroom which just so happens to be on the other side of the plane.  
That pretty much wraps it up for today; hopefully you learned something new.  Thanks for reading everyone,

