Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Being Comfortable on the Plane

You wake up, sleepy-eyed. Your hair is a mess, your teeth feel gross from the lack of brushing, and the person next to you is snoring like crazy.  You check the time, and then the realization kicks in - you still have more than half of the flight left.

All travelers have been there before.  It's not fun - at all.  But, I am here to help!  I'm here to tell you the tricks of the trade so that you never have to experience this.


  • Before you depart, I seriously recommend reviewing your outfit choice. My personal preferences include leggings with a warm, loose sweater. As for shoes, choose something comfortable.
  • Give yourself time to gather some snacks.  Airplane food is the absolute worst, so come prepared. I advise going for something that takes awhile to eat, that will keep you full for at least a few hours, and isn't dripping with sauces that you know for a fact will spill everywhere. A nice, hearty sandwich is my go-to.
  • Aside from a nice sandwich, pack a couple non-perishable snacks. Think something like freeze-dried apples, or trail mix.
    Freeze-dried apples
  • Make sure you have a refillable water bottle on hand.
  • Have a book on hand.  Especially on long flights, an entertaining read can keep you busy for a couple of hours.
  • Have your iPod or iPhone ready. Listening to some music while relaxing is a good way to spend some time. 
  • If your flight has movies playing, look at what is showing. Most airlines show new movies, which is another way to kill a couple of hours.
  • When it's time for a nap, pull out a neck rest. They keep your neck in place when sleeping, and you can avoid the awkwardness of falling asleep on your neighbor.
  • Have your toothbrush ready. For some reason, my teeth always feel like they get dirtier faster on the plane (is that just me?). Having a toothbrush and a travel sized toothpaste is key for a fresh breath.
  • Socks are your new best friend. I can almost guarantee you will get cold at one point during your flight.  Socks will keep you warm and comfortable.  My favorite kind are the ones with the little gel/sticky/circle thingys that keep you from slipping and sliding around. These are great for those moments when there is a lot of turbulence on the plane but you need to go to the bathroom which just so happens to be on the other side of the plane.  
That pretty much wraps it up for today; hopefully you learned something new.  Thanks for reading everyone,




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. These are great tips for long trips on planes. This will be really helpful for this summer. The tips for the snacks and the socks were especially useful. I love your picture of the iPhone and the xx Coexist album! Great post!

  3. I really like these little bits of advice for traveling. These will probably help a lot when I travel. I especially agree with the piece about socks being my new best friends . I always bring a pair with on any trip. I actually never really thought about bringing a tooth brush with me. I'l have to try that next time I travel. Thanks!

  4. Hi Sylvanna, your tips are totally going to help me with my trip to France this summer. This year, I will bring a neck rest because when I wake up, my neck is hurting and I wake up on my sister's shoulder. Great advice!

  5. Hi Sylvanna. I do these things every single time I am traveling by plane, especially during long plane trips. These tips work great and have never failed me. I'm glad that I'm not the only person who does these things when on a plane trip.

  6. For all the 16 hour flights, most of this is exactly what I do, except bringing the toothbrush. With these I always manage to get through the day or night... trip. Though I never thought of bringing socks or neck rests, maybe I want to try that...

  7. These tips are really helpful - I often am sitting on a plane for several hours at a time and despite my internet research haven't come across some of these tips. Freeze-dried fruit is a great idea though-it's portable and not too messy. I love having a book and movie ready just like you suggested, they keep me occupied throughout the whole flight.
