Thursday, January 23, 2014

An intro, among other things

When I was told during technology class that we would be creating our own blogs, I was mentally cringing.  What was I going to write about?  I mean, it feels as though no one would really care, and who would want to read this when given the choice?  But since it is counting as a large chunk of my grade, I put my thinking cap on and chose something to write about.  Something relevant to myself, and something I enjoyed doing were my two pieces of criteria when creating this blog.  So, I settled on a travel blog.  They're popular, fun to look at, and it's something I do frequently, so why not?  And so here I am, beginning my blogging journey at 8:46 p.m. on a Thursday evening, forgetting about my original draft for my first post and writing what comes to my mind.

...And, since I suck at the "About Me" sections of things, I figured a hodgepodge, one-paragraph description of myself will suffice.  I'm a 14 year-old girl born and raised in 'Murica, trying to make the most of every moment, and not taking myself too seriously.  I like the outside smell after rain, lying on warm clothes after they come out of the dryer, chai tea, good music and good books, college sweatshirts, dancing, and cuddling.  Oh, traveling too - but you already know that much.  I have a good group of friends whom are practically family, and my parents - my rocks and my everythings.  

Hopefully reading that has provided some insight into what I am like as a person, and hopefully it wasn't too disappointing.  

I'll begin my real blogging very soon,




  1. Thanks for the insight! Most of it did not surprise me. Well, who are you cuddling with? Just teasing. I can't wait to hear about more of the places you've been.

  2. Hi Sylvanna. I can't wait for when you start your real posts. I get the feeling that they will be very interesting. Oh, and don't worry. That wasn't disappointing at all.
